1. Brand: Primavera~ height 3" Size:6 Price:RM30 (SOLD)

2. NEW! Brand:Larrie ~ Flat shoes Size:6 Price:RM25 (SOLD)

3. NEW! Brand:Vincci~ Denim-gold Size:6 Price:RM25 (SOLD)

4. Brand:Vincci Size:7 Price:RM20 (SOLD)

5. NEW! Brand: Alain Delon~ dark brown,studded Size:6 Price:RM25 (SOLD)

1. NEW with tag! White quilted, Brand :CLEEF (Original price was RM69), now at RM 15. (SOLD)
Not for fussy buyer as the colour is slightly faded/stained due to storage.

2. NEW!Satin Cream Clutch.RM10

3. NEW! Yellow Mustard, Brand: CLEEF Price: RM 20 (SOLD)

4. NEW! Dark Brown, Brand:CLEEF Price RM:20 (SOLD)

5. Black Brand: MNG , Price: RM25

6. NEW with tag! Black,Price: RM30

7. NEW! Yellow-brown Brand :CLEEF Price :RM20 (SOLD)